! Any Pronouns ! Minor ! Multimedia Artist !

Okie Dokie . . . Wings of Fire, Video games, Warrior Cats, Books, Original Characters, Story Writing, Art, Fishing...

Poopie Doopie . . . Heights, Elevators, Cruise Ships, Roller Coasters, Yelling...

Before you Follow 🦟

Much of my content contains violence, gore, and death. Discretion is advised.
I use tone indicators as necessary, and may ask you to do the same.
I have some emotional issues that causes me to have pretty sudden mood changes, please be patient with me!!
Because of past instances, I heavily dislike seeing "owo", "uwu" or ":3" styled emoji's, so kindly don't use them around me.
I do not like Omori for similar reasons! I don't mind others enjoying it, just leave me out of it please.

Do not Follow 🦂

Do not follow for typically reasons, if you are racist, homophobic, etc..
If you dislike Identity V, Fnaf, Gore, Violence, or other sensitive topics/ content containing these topics! I post these sort of things fairly often and find it interesting, so be safe!!

Currently Obsessing Over... 🦆

Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
Five Nights at Freddy's
Wings of Fire

now playing I/Me/Myself by Will Wood Eating your prosthetic meat/meet your anesthetic criteria - Pathetic seeing you be copacetic/come acetic - Say my name like a slur, but I've been called worse - And I've heard it all before, no this isn't a first - Let me be the void you fill with - Taxidermy fingerprints, taxonomize our differences - I am quantum physics - My witness brings me into existence

Favs.... 🐮

Wof- Peril
Sky- Courageous Soldier
WC- Bluestar

music Will Wood, The Living Tombstone, Glass Animals, Skillet, Ghost, Rare Americans, AJJ, Imagine Dragons, The Front Bottoms, The Crane Wives, Insane Clown Posse, Jack Stauber, Johnny Cash, Ke$ha, Lady Gaga, Lemon Demon, Marina & The Diamonds, Mother Mother...